May 3rd: a day to celebrate


May 3rd, in Mexico and other countries it is a day to feast. Today we celebrate «El día de la Santa Cruz» (Day of the Holy Cross) and also «El día de los albañiles» (Construction worker’s Day).

The Holy Cross has a very ancient history, beginning around the 4th century, but we’re not talking about that one, we are dedicating this one to construction workers. In my opinion, these guys have one of the most valuable jobs there are: they build houses, roads skyscraper, whatever you want, you ask for it and it is impressive, to know how to build, at least for me, I mean, there are other great jobs, of course, doctors of all kind, teachers, etc… I take my hat off, but construction I really think that’s impressive too.
They create those places where we spend our life in, where we sleep, where we hang around and have wonderful times with family, pets and friends for years and years. Where we create memories.

My grandfather was one of them, he build the house i grew up in, also my brother is an architect and, as I can recall, my dad and one of his brothers can do this job too, I’ve seen them. Good for them, thanks for what they’ve done and congrats, too!

A great thing I read today is that the UNAM is offering a program/course where construction workers are going to be able to go and learn how to read architectural plans.
I asked my brother this morning while we were having breakfast and said that most of them, as far as he knows, very few can read them.
So now the university has this new program where they can learn and maybe earn a little more because of it? Hopefully yes.

A must do is that the boss or the builders have to get a wooden cross and add to it colorful flowers or paper of different colors, it is the tradition. First they go to church to bless the cross and then take it to the construction and put it somewhere around.
They do is gather around and collaborate to buy food and beer, make a thing out of it, a reunion where they laugh, drink and eat all day long and even continue after-hours.
They deserve it after all the effort they do!

In the late years, my brother has been celebrating with his work team to commemorate the day, as architects, they also get to celebrate. He always has a blast with them because it is also his birthday, can you believe that? He was born today years ago and became an architect: double celebration! Happy birthday, bro.
Today I wish I were one of them, I just might pretend I am and sneak in their celebration.
Do not forget about the music, some of them get a regional music band for hours to celebrate like it should be.

Congratulations to all the construction workers today in Mexico and in those countries that also celebrate this day. Keep on doing a great job and making your cities a beautiful place to live.