Sus funciones consistirán en viajar a un país distinto cada dos semanas.

Matthew Lepre, millonario australiano de 26 años, está buscando un asistente personal que le permita mantener en equilibrio su apretada agenda. Es CEO de cuatro empresas de comercio electrónico e inversor en otros negocios de ‘coaching’ que lo tienen volando entre Sídney, Japón, Dubái y Hawái.

Las funciones de esta persona consisten en viajar a un país distinto cada dos semanas, establecer itinerarios, organizar reuniones y aportar nuevas ideas para los negocios de su jefe, que exige conocimiento en redes sociales, organización, atención a los detalles, ser proactivo y, sobre todo, muy puntual.

¿El salario?
Lepre sugiere que aquellos interesados se suscriban a su canal de YouTube para conocer más acerca de su trabajo, temperamento y habilidades, ya que a través de esta cuenta también hablará más sobre lo que busca en un asistente.

“Viajar mientras trabajo me ha permitido vivir la vida ideal y quiero darle a otra persona la oportunidad de realizar lo mismo a mi lado”

32 mil euros (691 mil 668 pesos) como mínimo aunque el sueldo final se estipulará con base en la experiencia de la persona, además de que todos los viajes y los hoteles de lujo serán pagados por Lepre, contando el seguro médico de vuelos nacionales e internacionales.

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It’s crazy, everything I ever visualised is coming to reality. The lifestyle, the business, the ability to give back and inspire people to reach their goals. 〰️ Literally 3 years ago, I made the decision that I wasn’t going to be another number in the system that our generation is brought up in. I dropped out of University and was left with a 40k student debt. 〰️ My point is, that a lot can happen in a few years. Don’t judge yourself for where you’re at or where you’ve been. Only where you’re going! 〰️ And yea, ask more from life because seriously… you can manifest anything you want if you become clear on your dreams and match this with a ridiculous work ethic.
Dream (and eat) bigger. ?

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Do you know where greatness is waiting for you? Right outside of that cozy comfort zone of yours. I dare you to step outside of that ?. I dare you to write out your goals, create a vision board and do the stuff that you always wanted to do… but always were afraid of. I dare you to start that business. I dare you to invest money into that new idea of yours. I dare you to do whatever it is that’s holding you back. Whether its because of your fears, insecurities or your laziness – don’t worry about all of that ☝? . If it’s fear or insecurity that’s keeping you in your comfort zone, I need you to realise that these are nothing but mental barriers that you’re having. Mental barriers that only exist in your mind. Mental barriers that you are in absolute control of once you realise that you’re actually in control ? . Destroy those barriers, don’t give a shit about what others might think (that’s a big one) and go get what’s outside of that comfort zone of yours. I promise you that there are some nice things out there ?? . Staying in your comfort zone is nothing but procrastinating your own success. You are in control of your own destiny. ?

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