Musical events taking place on Semana Santa!

Mazatlan’s avenue by the malecon (beach boardwalk) will be homely in Semana Santa (Thursday, April 18th & Friday, April 19th)
The Mayor, Guillermo Benítez, said today that there will be musical events in said dates.
There might be the chance of closing both ways when these events start, from 19:00 hrs. to 23:00 hrs.
Commencing locking the entry to cars from Valentino’s and finishing this block at Monos Bichis (The Fisher’s monument by Gutiérrez Nájera Av.).
Cars will be allowed to go from Monos Bichis to Valentino’s with chance of blocking it too (not confirmed yet). Cars won’t be allowed to turn if they have the chance to drive the avenue, authorities will block this turns with metallic fences.
There will be 4 points by the malecon where these musical events will take place:
1.- Av. Insurgentes
2.-Av. de los deportes
3.- Av. Lola Beltrán
4.- Monos Bichis (The Fisher’s monument by Gutiérrez Nájera Av..)
After these events, on Saturday, april 20th at 18:30 hrs. there will be a little parade alluding to the last Carnival Parade with only 8 cars that were presented there.
Avenue will be closed at 16:00 hrs. and the parade will commence at 18:30 hrs. from Monos Bichis (The Fisher’s monument by Gutiérrez Nájera Av.) to Av. Rafael Buena (Valentino’s).
While this parade goes, the avenue will be available to be driven but only those streets where the parade already passed by.
To conclude these events on saturday, after the parade, there will be a magno event (musical as well) at Av. Bahía (the avenue made parallel to Mazatlan’s malecon).
Here, cars won’t be allowed to drive nor park.
With these street blocks, cars will have to circulate on different ways such as:
Taking Teniente Azueta St. connecting with Av. Cruz Lizárraga, then taking Av. Universidad to Av. Leonismo Internacional to Av. Reforma and lastly taking you to Av. Rafael Buelna and others too.